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Wet And Dry Kitchen: An Overview

Interior Design Singapore: A lot of interior design Singapore experts have often coined the term a lot, but what exactly is a 'wet and dry' kitchen? In layman's terms, a wet and dry kitchen is one where the layout splits the kitchen into two separate sections each with their own use. Let's talk about this unique interior design Singapore concept a little more here so let's jump into it:

What the layout is like

Every kitchen layout is unique and concomitant with the home owner's needs and wants when relayed to their interior design Singapore contractor in charge of the renovations, for instance. But if there's one thing most interior design Singapore contractors do when constructing a wet and dry kitchen, it's that they either frame the two kitchen spaces right next to each other or as sublets of each other in order to create more accessibility as a whole.

The Wet Kitchen

As most interior design Singapore experts would tell you, the wet kitchen is where most of the heavy cooking takes place and as such is retrofitted with equipment such as stoves and cooking hobs to facilitate the cooking process, hence its moniker. Most wet kitchens appear more commercial visually due to their structure; for example, a wet kitchen has tiled floors, larger windows, deeper sink, large oven and exhaust hob over the cooking stove. On occasion, some wet and dry kitchens have varying substitutions, such as more durable countertops made of granite for example.

The Dry Kitchen

The dry kitchen, aka the 'lite' kitchen as many interior design Singapore experts would call it, is often equipped with smaller heating devices such as your microwave, toaster, etc. The dry kitchen is mostly used in a communal sense, and as it's usually retrofitted with countertops and bar stools for instance to allow for people to eat and mingle. As most interior design Singapore contractors would tell you, dry kitchens have more space to move around compared to their wet counterparts despite being relatively smaller, not to mention they also have more decorative and aesthetically flooring as opposed to the more utilitarian look of the wet kitchen.


Interior Design Singapore:

For your customised interior design solutions, please contact

Thom Signature Interior Design

Address: 1 Irving Place, $05-06

The Commerze @ Irving

Singapore 369546

Tel: +65-6524-9677

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