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Things Interior Designers Can Do This Holiday Season

Interior Design Singapore: The year-end holiday season has always served as a welcome reprieve from work, especially if you've managed to block out the rest of the days leading up to the new year for leave. For interior design Singapore professionals, this is a great way to finally let their hair down and let off some steam. So here are some things you can do to spend the public holiday fruitfully:

Head down to the zoo

The zoo would be usually open during public holidays, so maybe pack a nice picnic lunch and go for a lovely walk all around while visiting the various animals in their enclosures and taking some nice pictures to share with your interior design Singapore colleagues once the new year rolls around the corner. Just make sure you don't have your sandwich swiped out of your hands by a rogue monkey! It's not legal to feed the animals, after all,

Try out some new delicacies

The holiday season can be a great way to try something new, and what better way than to finally visit that one restaurant you've been meaning to eat at? You may have been rather busy being the consummate interior design Singapore professional all year round, hence you never had time to go anywhere, even that one restaurant serving authentic regional cuisine, and this long holiday you've undertaken now present that ample opportunity. Just ensure you book a table beforehand so you don't end spending time in the waiting line.

Watch that new film out in cinemas

That interior design Singapore firm you have been working hard at all year round may have had you working overtime, thus keeping you from watching that one film you've been meaning to watch but now you have to stream online. But now that the holiday season's finally here, you have that opportunity to finally buy a ticket and catch that movie with some delicious popcorn and a drink of choice at long last.

Keep your body and mind at ease

The holiday season usually provides time off from your time spent with clients as the interior design Singapore professional, however you may just want to sleep in all day instead. You may even want to just laze on the couch, but how about learning to meditate? You can use the time afforded to you to try out some meditative exercises to refresh your body and mind before another strenuous day ahead. So get out that yoga mat and get meditating!


Interior Design Singapore:

For your customised interior design solutions, please contact

Thom Signature Interior Design

Address: 1 Irving Place, $05-06

The Commerze @ Irving

Singapore 369546

Tel: +65-6524-9677

H/T: Smaggle

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