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Moving In After Renovation: Tips And Tricks

Interior Design Singapore: Moving in to your new home after undergoing renovations courtesy of your interior design Singapore contractor can be a stressful process for some. Well, we have some great interior design Singapore tips and tricks that will help you and your family integrate into your new home:

Have a list of items on hand

Once the interior design Singapore renovations have been completed, it's time to make a list of items that you're going to bring into your new home! Label and classify your items according to which room they're to be relegated to, as this makes it a lot easier for you to categorize which item belongs to which room, for example.

Keep loads of supplies on hand

After interior design Singapore renovations are completed, make sure to keep loads of supplies on hand. These could include items such as cardboard boxes, masking tape and pen markers for instance. While some interior design Singapore companies do provide their clients with the necessary supplies, it's always best to keep some supplies on hand in case of emergency.

Ready to use toiletries

Sometimes after the interior design Singapore contractor is done with the renovations and it's time to move your stuff back into your new home, you do get thoroughly exhausted having to move back every last item and have no time and energy to unpack your stuff. That's why it's best to have some ready to use toiletries on hand, such as toothbrushes, shampoos and liquid soaps, as well as an extra set of clothes so you can freshen up and feel well-rested after a hard day's work!


Interior Design Singapore:

For your customised interior design solutions, please contact

Thom Signature Interior Design

Address: 1 Irving Place, $05-06

The Commerze @ Irving

Singapore 369546

Tel: +65-6524-9677

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