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How To Upgrade Your Bathroom 101

Interior Design Singapore: Your toilet is one of the most integral parts of your home for obvious reasons, so it's important to renovate and upgrade your toilet from time to time with the help of an interior design Singapore contractor. Here are some interior design Singapore ideas and tips on how to upgrade your toilet:

Tiling your toilet

When it comes to upgrading your toilet, it's always advisable to choose materials of high quality that not only serve an aesthetic purpose but are functional as well. Some materials often endorsed by many interior design Singapore firms include marble, stone and ceramic, the latter being the most popular choice for bathroom walls and floors. Ensure the materials you choose are waterproof as well, considering the amount of moisture build-up in toilets in general.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall

Mirrors serve an important purpose in many bathrooms, be it as a visual aesthetic whereby it makes the space in your toilet much bigger than usual or merely to check your hair so to speak. Many interior design Singapore firms utilise mirrors for the sole purpose of creating the illusion of space, so it's the perfect choice for your toilet! You can either use a full-sized mirror if you have a small bathroom, or settle for a couple of smaller more moderately-sized mirrors if your toilet's bigger than usual.

Using fixtures and fittings

Many interior design Singapore firms will attest to this, as using myriad fittings and fixtures can help accentuate your bathroom to give it a more appealing visual aesthetic. Furthermore, fittings can help optimise every nook and cranny of your toilet for added effect, thus making it seem more functional than usual whilst creating the illusion of spaciousness. You can use various fittings such as taps, faucets, sinks, pipes, shower heads and the like, all of which play a pertinent and fundamental part in improving your bathroom's overall functionality, so make sure to pick out the best fittings for your toilet.


Interior Design Singapore:

For your customised interior design solutions, please contact

Thom Signature Interior Design

Address: 1 Irving Place, $05-06

The Commerze @ Irving

Singapore 369546

Tel: +65-6524-9677

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