Interior Design Singapore: Upon buying your new home or discovering your house need a fresh coat of paint, you're going to engage an interior design Singapore firm to help in the renovation process. But sometimes, there will be certain parts in the process where defects start to manifest themselves, like a small hole in parts of your kitchen floor for example. So to deal with such latent defects in your home, here are some ways you can reach out to your interior design Singapore firm and get those holes in the walls firmly plugged:
Speak with the contractor
If you start to notice certain defects post-renovation, be it apparent or latent, talk to the contractor brought on by your interior design Singapore firm to deal with the issue at hand. Let them know of the problems and ask for viable solutions as well; if your contractor is someone who's capable and pragmatic, they'll be able to come up with ways to handle the defects ably and handily.
Keep an eye on things
It's important as the homeowner to keep an eye out during the renovation process, especially if there's no interior design Singapore representative or foreman there to oversee the work at all times. This helps to ensure that the work is done in a sincere and steadfast manner, especially as the workers themselves would feel more pressured under scrutiny to do their best for their client.
Talk to your contractor before renovations begin
This one's a no-brainer, yet it's effective in ensuring you get the point across to your interior design Singapore firm and their chosen contractors: before the renovation, be clear and concise, and more importantly be firm, in declaring that you want a proper renovation free of all defects and issues. You're the paying customer, and you have engaged their services for a proper renovation of your home. Hence, they are obligated to provide you the best renovation money can buy!
Lodge a complaint against the contractor
This one's a last-resort solution and you should never use it unless there's no other way to handle the situation. If your contractor is not willing to cooperate with you or even respond back to your inquiries, or even worse yet they end up being aggressive and infuriating to work with, go over their head and talk to your interior design Singapore company about what to do. If worse come to worse, you can take the legal route and report the matter to CASE (Consumers Association of Singapore) to handle your case for you, so to speak.
Interior Design Singapore:
For your customised interior design solutions, please contact
Thom Signature Interior Design
Address: 1 Irving Place, $05-06
The Commerze @ Irving
Singapore 369546
Tel: +65-6524-9677