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Grout: What You Should Know About It

Interior Design Singapore: Believe it or not, grout plays an integral role in your interior design Singapore proceedings, and while it's not the most glamorous adhesive material it does come in a wide array of colours and types to accommodate your chosen tiles. In addition, grout can also add contrast and even create a single-shade space in your home. Hence, let's take a look at a few ways grout can help enhance the home as an interior design Singapore tool:

Types of grout

There are three main types of grout, such as cement-based grout with or without latex, epoxy and urethane grouts. The most common variety used in many interior design Singapore projects is a cement-based grout, which are also the easiest to use with small joints between your tiles, whereby you’ll use a non-sanded grout, while larger joints require sanded grout. Epoxy grouts are expensive, and are usually two-part mixtures with solids and colour additives. Epoxy grouts are used mainly for commercial projects as opposed to traditional interior design Singapore projects, and are much more difficult to install than cement-based grouts. Urethane grouts are also expensive and are premixed in buckets, and you need to use a very dry sponge when cleaning a urethane grout off tile during grouting. Urethane grout also needs seven days to cure before being exposed to water, so keep that in mind if you’re thinking of using it in your only shower.

Before you start grouting

Before you purchase your chosen grout for your interior design Singapore project, read the manufacturer's instructions on the bag or box, and follow them. Also, if you can watch someone grouting or watch some instructional videos before you start your interior design Singapore project, you’ll learn a lot more by watching as opposed to reading. For instance, once your tile has set, mix your grout to the suggested consistency and using a grout float, work the grout into the joints at a 45-degree angle and swipe away any excess grout with the float. Once the grout sets according to the recommended time stated on the package, wipe down the tiles with a sponge. You’ll need to clean again and rub off any haze with a cloth or towel once the grout hardens.

Grouting tips to know

Here are a few things to note before you start grouting for your interior design SIngapore project: You have to watch out that you do not wash your grout joints out with too much water. Also, make sure the grout has set up a little bit before you begin cleaning it off the tile and clean your sponges and buckets of water often, since dirty water does not clean. If you're still unsure of what to do during the grouting process, talk to your interior design Singapore contractor beforehand in regards to how to grout and what needs to be done. Don't attempt to grout your tiles without supervision, but other than that happy grouting!


Interior Design Singapore:

For your customised interior design solutions, please contact

Thom Signature Interior Design

Address: 1 Irving Place, $05-06

The Commerze @ Irving

Singapore 369546

Tel: +65-6524-9677

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