Interior Design Singapore: Lighting is always an essential part of any interior design Singapore process in every way possible. But what is the most suitable lighting that is guaranteed to go well with your home interior? Let us now take a look at just a few lighting examples that is guaranteed to brighten up your surroundings:
Add a dash of ambience

The best interior design Singapore way to give your home interior that pizazz is by using ambient lighting, especially in prominent parts of the home such as your living room and kitchen. For instance, lighting fixtures such as spotlights can be placed along the hallway corridors of your home or even in the kitchen to add a little ambience to the surroundings for that atmospheric look.
Task lighting for your consideration

Task lighting is a great and highly recommended interior design Singapore lighting method that is often employed for parts of the home where lighting can be utilised in a practical and pragmatic manner without causing any strain to one's eyes. For example, you can install task lighting fixtures in your bathroom where you can freshen up without worrying about hurting your corneas, as well as utilise lamps in your study to help you concentrate on your work.
Accentuate your lighting

This last interior design Singapore method works well for any commercial establishment, such as restaurants and bars for example. Accent lighting, also known as highlighting, is an invaluable interior design Singapore method of lighting due to its proclivity to emphasize on, or accentuate, parts of any given room by drawing attention to parts of the decor, such as paintings and statues which add to the visual aesthetic for instance.

Interior Design Singapore:
For your customised interior design solutions, please contact
Thom Signature Interior Design
Address: 1 Irving Place, $05-06
The Commerze @ Irving
Singapore 369546
Tel: +65-6524-9677
Email: info@thomsignature.com.sg
H/T: Renonation SG