Interior Design Singapore: There is a lot of hard work, dedication and utmost concentration that goes into renovating a home, and many interior design Singapore contractors don't get the kudos they deserve. However, that doesn't mean the renovation process is without any mistakes whatsoever. Hence, here are 3 of the most commonly found mistakes often made during renovations by any interior design Singapore contractor:
Emphasising cheapness over quality
While your interior design Singapore contractor might buy materials that are affordable and cheaply available, it may result in these procured materials being lower in quality and prone to intensive repair during and after renovations. This may result in a major setback, costing even more time and money. Hence, never skimp on quality, no matter what. If you can get quality materials at affordable prices, that is wonderful; otherwise, go for materials that are durable and able to withstand the test of time after your interior design Singapore contractor has finished with the renovation process.
Getting the measurements wrong
Measurements to an interior design Singapore contractor is extremely crucial to a successful renovation, even the slightest deviation can be ultimately costly if not rectified before the renovation works begin. For instance, if you're tiling your bathroom, you need to ensure that each tile is measured precisely against each other and the dimensions of the bathroom in order to make sure the tiles are aligned perfectly without any issue.
Using the wrong kind of tools
As the old saying goes, always pick the right tool for the job. When it comes to renovating any home, it's important for interior design Singapore contractors to always have the necessary tools ready at their disposal no matter what. However, sometimes there are instances where certain tools are absent or the wrong kind of tools are used, leading to some rather disastrous results. Therefore, it is imperative that your interior design Singapore contractor keeps an itinerary of the tools that are to be used for the renovations, as well as ensuring that he packs some extra tools in case of emergency. After all, you can never go wrong with a few extras!
Interior Design Singapore:
For your customised interior design solutions, please contact
Thom Signature Interior Design
Address: 1 Irving Place, $05-06
The Commerze @ Irving
Singapore 369546
Tel: +65-6524-9677